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The French Institute Galway

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Saturday 3rd September: 10am to 4pm

Free assessments all day, come and discover the school and meet our friendly staff!


Gift vouchers available for French classes

Fête de la Francophonie au French Institute!

Each year during the Week of the Francophonie in March, many events all around the world are organised to promote the French language and to show the variety of the French-speaking countries.














This year the French Institute Galway invites you for a special evening to celebrate the Francophonie and to learn more about some French-speaking countries in Europe, Africa and America.

Come and take part in this cultural journey made of games, quizzes, culinary specialtites, documentary, etc. This year our star country is Madagascar!


This evening is free. Places are limited so please register at the office of the French Institute by Wednesday 30th March (Priority is given to our students).



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